Tenovus Cancer Care is a Wales-based charity, which supports people and their loved ones to live well with cancer. The charity has three Mobile Support Units, which travel across Wales to bring cancer treatments closer to home.
The Units set up in local car parks, supermarkets, and community venues to limit the stress and cost involved with travelling miles to hospital.
Faceup Cymru is funding one of these Mobile Support Units to deliver treatments for Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB’s Head and neck cancer patients. This funding will allow Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHBs multidisciplinary team (MDT) to host clinics for head and neck cancer patients in McArthurGlen, Bridgend.
We had offered to replicate the funding for Cardiff and Vale patients but unfortunately they have refused our offer but we will continue to try and bring them on board.
We are very excited about this link and hope it is the beginning of a new chapter in the life of Faceup Cymru but more importantly will achieve our aim of supporting Head and Neck Cancer patients