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Facing up to head and neck cancer together.

We're here to offer you our experience, help, friendship and to support you.


Support Group Dates

We hold a bi-monthly support group for head and neck patients, their friends and family. It is held at the Welsh Heart Institute at University Hospital of Wales at 14:30 for 1 -2 hours.  It is a chance for people to socialise, discuss future events and share ideas. We try to invite a guest speakers of interest to each meeting too.

Next dates are :-

  • TBC

All welcome, please give us a ring or email if you have any questions, any ideas for outside speakers  and please let us know if you would like to be added to the mailing list.

Face up works hand in hand with the following support groups :

  1. Faceup cymru support groupThis group meets every two months- it is run by the patients for the patients and there are invited speakers and talks on alternative therapies eg massage and acupuncture
  2. Hugs – CwmTaf support groupThis group was set up locally to provide close support for patients coming from Cwm taf. More information can be found on their website:
  3. Laryngectomy clubPatients who have had their voice box removed have to come to terms with so many factors – loss of communication; management of the operative site. This club is organised by our speech and language team to provide focused support for patients with this issue. It really is a valued support group
  4. Back to eating groupHead and Neck cancer can have a profound effect on the ability to take adequatefood. This group run by our dieticians provides one to one support and all the patients find this a vital prop to their ability to come to terms with the treatment

It also works closely with other cancer charities :-

  1. Macmillan –
  2. Marie curie cancer care –
  3. Tenovus –