We are delighted to announce that Faceup Cymru has been chosen as one of the charities by Mr David Powell, Mayor of Llantwit Major for 2023/24
As a small charity we are overwhelmed by this gesture and we are eternally grateful for this honour. This will bring much needed attention to our efforts. In particular we intend to use this opportunity to highlight the joint approach we have formed with Tenovus for the benefit of the patients who are seen in Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board. We had tried to get cooperation with Cardiff NHS but unfortunately to date they are not interested but we will persevere.
For patients who require support both clinical, pastoral as well as advice please drop us an e mail at : faceupcymru@outlook.com
or pop into the Faceup / Tenovus bus in the outreach carpark at McArther Glen Park designer business park on a Friday
Thanks again to Mr Powell and the Llantwit Major Council